AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-17Remove more conflicting stuffXenhat Hex
2022-01-17Try to fix conflicts againXenhat Hex
2022-01-17cleanup "empty" lineXenhat Hex
2022-01-17Fix shortcut mess (thanks DarlCat for reporting!)Xenhat Hex
2022-01-17update maintainersXenhat Hex
2022-01-17Remove 'the' from the descriptionXenhat Hex
2022-01-17Update description, add more providesXenhat Hex
2022-01-15bump release, I forgotXenhat Hex
2022-01-10Remove channel from shortcut to "fix" dupe shortcutsXenhat Hex
2021-12-31bump version to Project AgileAkita Hex
2021-12-31remove more hard-coded parameters to simplify version bumpXenhat Hex
2021-12-29update package to Hex
2021-12-14add ChangelogXenhat Hex
2021-12-14bump version to fix everyone's packageXenhat Hex
2021-12-14update srcinfoXenhat Hex
2021-12-14Disable strip for this package as it breaks libraries6Xenhat Hex
2021-12-13tentative fix for broken unpackingXenhat Hex
2021-12-13Automated version bump to Hex
2021-12-13Change /usr/share to /usr/local/share as used by the viewerXenhat Hex
2021-12-13push fixed packaging scriptXenhat Hex
2021-12-13Fix bad packagingXenhat Hex
2021-12-13Automated version bump to Hex
2021-12-05no-op strip command to save time as package is already strippedXenhat Hex
2021-12-05update srcinfoXenhat Hex
2021-12-05Update package to AgileAkita Hex
2021-11-09fix package name and update checksumsXenhat Hex
2021-11-08bump to new project build w/ provision urlXenhat Hex
2021-10-19Make binary and source builds not conflict w/ e/oXenhat Hex
2021-10-14tabs2spacesXenhat Hex
2021-10-14move checksums higher in PKGBUILD as suggestedXenhat Hex
2021-10-14clean up PKGBUILD fileXenhat Hex
2021-10-14Hello, World! We have CI builds!Xenhat Hex