AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-07-21Bump package releaseKarol Babioch
2019-07-21Fix build for latest release of driverKarol Babioch
This fixes the packaging for the latest release of the Brother driver. The details are outlined in a comment [1]. This is a generalized version of the PKGBUILD specific to a particular model [2]. [1]: [2]:
2019-05-30Update install messageKarol Babioch
2019-05-30Do not create and package /usr/share/ppdKarol Babioch
2019-05-30Bump version to 3.1.5-0Karol Babioch
Upstream is packaging this differently now, so a massive rewrite of the PKGBUILD is required.
2019-05-30Update install messageKarol Babioch
2019-05-30Ignore RPM filesKarol Babioch
2017-11-17Bump version to 1.1.4Karol Babioch
2017-11-17Update .gitignoreKarol Babioch
2016-09-20Change versioning schemeKarol Babioch
2016-09-16Initial commitKarol Babioch