AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-03-05Update git submodules. Fix build issue with cudnn path.Daniel Bermond
2018-11-22conflicts: add python-pytorchDaniel Bermond
2018-11-22Fix build (disable fbgemm). Add missing libs. Fix insecure rpath.Daniel Bermond
2018-11-10Do not rename source clones. Enable tests.Daniel Bermond
2018-11-08build() and package() improvements. Update submodules and options.Daniel Bermond
2018-10-25Update libibverbs dependencyDaniel Bermond
libibverbs was merged into rdma-core. References ----------
2018-10-25FixesDaniel Bermond
2018-10-03Update conflictsDaniel Bermond
2018-09-30Update method for choosing the cuda architecture to match upstreamDaniel Bermond
The current method for choosing the cuda architecture in the build is by using the TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST environment variable. According to comments in the upstream source code, in the future this method will change to a cmake option of the same name. References ----------
2018-09-29Fix build. Remove nanopb git submodule. Add system eigen option.Daniel Bermond
gcc54 is no longer on the official repositories. Fortunatelly, upstream caffe2 git master now builds fine with gcc7, which is the current default cuda compiler (cuda 10.0). nanopb submodule was removed by upstream. The eigen patch to fix build with system eigen is no longer needed because upstream have implemented the cmake option USE_SYSTEM_EIGEN_INSTALL, which we can set to OFF here. References ----------
2018-08-22Initial commitDaniel Bermond