AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-12-09Add dependency on openspautinerd
2023-08-13update .SRCINFOautinerd
2023-08-13fix dependencies and buildingautinerd
2022-08-26removing patch for fonts_alias, no longer neededautinerd
2022-06-16fix version number for gitautinerd
uses mksh instead of ksh as dependency
2022-06-16fix version number for gitautinerd
uses mksh instead of ksh as dependency
2022-02-09update .SRCINFO and .build.ymlStrange Automaton
2022-02-09update .SRCINFOStrange Automaton
2022-02-09update with missing dependenciesStrange Automaton
2019-11-18sourcehut build: fix directory nameBrian Cole
2019-11-18initial commit: import previous attemptBrian Cole