AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-06-18Use pinned commit fragpoppyschmo
Installing this package results in complaints being logged to dmesg. These may be the result of a conflict between * cros_kbd_led_backlight.ko (shipped with linux) * chromeos_keyboard_leds.ko (ours) both of which, for example, claim the alias platform:chromeos-keyboard-leds. Some workarounds include * blacklisting the existing "cros" module via modprobe.d * manually loading ours via modules-load.d * renaming the existing file to cros_kbd_led_backlight.ko.xz.orig Of these, the second is chosen because upstream mentions it in its README. A change to the core linux package on 2019-10-14 has removed auto-creation of the main extramodules dir and symlinks to it from children of versioned siblings. Not sure whether this was in response to a shift in upstream behavior, but module discovery appears unchanged. See: 1fef2fd41ff7ad7f8713295471ee44adb9029c86 Although real archlinux packages like nvidia still use the extramodules convention, this package has reverted to traditional upstream behavior. See: /tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/nvidia#n27
2018-01-25Add controller utility to /usr/binpoppyschmo
2018-01-25Remove shell script from docspoppyschmo
2017-08-27Remove multi-kernel stuffpoppyschmo
2017-06-26bump version numberpoppyschmo
2016-06-24set nullglob for echo wildcardpoppyschmo
2016-06-23fix xtramods install pathpoppyschmo
2016-05-01account for multiple extramodules dirspoppyschmo
2016-05-01fix extramodules dir namepoppyschmo
2016-04-23clarify autoload info in .install filepoppyschmo
2016-04-23install _bl variant, keyboard_brightness.shpoppyschmo
2016-01-19initial commitpoppyschmo