AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-02-27upgpkg: chronograf S Levy
Add python2 build dependency.
2018-02-24Bump pkgver to S Levy
2018-01-10Update to S Levy
2017-12-27Updated to, removed unneeded unset commandAdam S Levy
2017-12-01Added sysusers, build from proper sourceAdam S Levy
2017-11-25bumping version to 1.3.10Matthew McGinn
2017-10-11updating PKGBUILD for releaseMatthew McGinn
2017-08-13fixing missing export for GOPATH (thanks @petrosagg)Matthew McGinn
2017-08-11updating contributorsMatthew McGinn
2017-08-11updating package to compile from sourceMatthew McGinn
2017-08-11renaming to chronograf-binMatthew McGinn
2017-08-11updating PKGBUILD to version McGinn
2017-07-15updating version & architecturesMatthew McGinn
2017-04-02one more supported ARCH correctionMatthew McGinn
2017-04-02correcting supported ARCHMatthew McGinn
2017-04-02updating SRCINFOMatthew McGinn
2017-04-02correcting perms on created subdirsMatthew McGinn
2017-04-02modifying LICENSE info to reflect githubMatthew McGinn
2017-04-02restructuring PKGBUILD for upstream version 1.2.0Matthew McGinn
2016-06-02Remove unneeded variable.Chris Clonch
2016-06-02Update srcinfo..Chris Clonch
2016-06-02Upgraded to 0.13 and refactored.Chris Clonch
Based on prodding by ogarcia, refactored a few bits of the PKGBUILD.
2016-06-02Be consistent with what I typically use.Chris Clonch
2016-04-25Removed go, git deps.Chris Clonch
2016-04-25Updated to v0.12.0Chris Clonch
2016-02-14Updated maintainer.Chris Clonch
2016-02-14Update to 0.10.0.Chris Clonch
Added MIT license based on other InfluxData projects.
2015-11-24Update to: 0.3.2-1Justin Dray