AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2025-01-17Update to 1.8.9Sergio Schneider
2024-07-02Update to 1.8.4Sergio Schneider
2024-06-27Update to 1.8.3Sergio Schneider
2024-06-19Update to 1.8.2Sergio Schneider
2023-12-21Update to 1.8.0Sergio Schneider
2023-12-19update to 1.7.9Sergio Schneider
2023-11-20Update to 1.7.7Sergio Schneider
2023-06-14Update to 1.7.5s p s f 6 4m
2022-12-07Update to 1.7.3Sergio Schneider
2022-12-02Update to 1.7.2Sergio Schneider
2022-11-29Update to 1.7.0 - New sound themeS e r g i o S c h n e i d e r
2022-11-28Update to 1.6.7S e r g i o S c h n e i d e r
2022-11-27Update to 1.6.5S e r g i o S c h n e i d e r
2022-11-18Update to 1.6.3S e r g i o S c h n e i d e r
2022-10-25Minor text updateS e r g i o S c h n e i d e r
2022-10-25Initial commit 1.6.1S e r g i o S c h n e i d e r