AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-11-12Use 'deepin-wine5' instead of 'deepin-wine6-stable'Vufa
2021-08-26fixed create install flag file.Codist
2021-08-25use aur package 'deepin-wine6-stable' instead of wine.Codist
2021-07-12Upgrade TIM to
2021-06-14switch deepin cdn to 'cdn-package-store6.deepin.com'Codist
2021-05-11fixed versionCodist
2021-05-11Upgrade TIM to
2021-02-18Fixed travis-ci build and add winecfg shortcut to run.shCodist
2021-02-11Merge pull request #94 from zhullyb/masterCodist
2021-02-10update to latest download linkzhullyb
2021-02-03Upgrade TIM to and add deepin-wine5 support.Codist
2020-11-27set the deepin package mirror to 'http://packages.deepin.com'Codist
2020-11-04set the deepin package mirror to 'ftp.sjtu.edu.cn'Codist
2020-09-30Upgrade TIM to
2020-08-12Upgrade TIM to
2020-07-26Optimized switch to deepin-wineCodist
2020-05-10Optimized switch to deepin-wineCodist
2020-04-01Upgrade TIM to
2020-02-14Merge pull request #43 from St-kai/masterCodist
2020-02-14Fix WMClassSt.kai
2019-10-21Add help info to PKGBUILDCodist
2019-10-03Update travis config.Codist
2019-09-21Fixed travis-ci deployCodist
2019-09-21Upgrade TIM to
2019-06-01Merge pull request #33 from kmvan/patch-1Codist
2019-06-01Adjust formatting and textKm.Van
2019-06-01Update README.md.CountStarlight
2019-05-31Try to fix travis deploy.CountStarlight
2019-05-31Try to fix travis deploy.CountStarlight
2019-05-31Upload builded package to github release from travis-ci.CountStarlight
2019-05-06Update README.md.CountStarlight
2019-05-06Remove reg_files.tar.bz2, using patch to fix reg files and merge tool scripts...CountStarlight
2019-04-03Remove useless dependency packages and update README.md.CountStarlight
2019-03-24Windows version to Windows 10 and clean up reg files.CountStarlight
2019-03-23Clean up reg files and remove xdotool from depend.CountStarlight
2019-03-23Based on latest offical reg.CountStarlight
2019-03-16Remove useless reg config.CountStarlight
2019-03-16Remove useless reg config.CountStarlight
2019-03-06Upgrade TIM to and update README.md.kmvan
2019-02-18Optimized Chinese fonts config.CountStarlight
2019-02-18Add adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts.CountStarlight
2019-02-18Add some Chinese fonts' FontSubstitutes.CountStarlight
2019-02-06Fixed travis-ci build and bump package version.CountStarlight
2019-02-06Try to fix registry don't effect.CountStarlight
2019-02-05Upgrade TIM to 2.3.1_3(latest).CountStarlight
2019-01-06Fixed travis-ci build.CountStarlight
2018-11-13Add lib32-mpg123 to depends.CountStarlight
2018-08-22Upgrade deepin.com.qq.office package to 2.0.0deepin4.CountStarlight
2018-05-26Using ustc mirror and fixed md5 hash of run.sh.CountStarlight
2018-05-26Upgrade package deepin.com.qq.office to 2.0.0deepin3 and use deepin offical s...CountStarlight