AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-05-20Update .SRCINFO and PKGBUILDkyndair
2021-04-09Update .SRCINFO and PKGBUILDkyndair
2021-03-28remove hellfire build tag - game engines now unifiedkyndair
2021-03-22Update .SRCINFO and PKGBUILDkyndair
2021-03-21Update PKGBUILD missed directory for fontkyndair
2021-03-21Update .SRCINFO and PKGBUILDkyndair
2021-03-20Update .SRCINFO and PKGBUILD update ver. infokyndair
2021-03-06Update .SRCINFO, PKGBUILD, and hellfire.desktop - switches moved to diablo.inikyndair
2021-03-06Update .SRCINFO and PKGBUILD version infokyndair
2021-02-10inital hellfire support in devilutionkyndair