AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-03-17Update license and music addons sourceDaniel Bermond
2022-08-21Change compiler back to gcc to fix buildDaniel Bermond
Now it's giving a build error (at link time) with clang: /usr/bin/ld: error: LLVM gold plugin: call to _ZZN9valptridxIN3dcx6playerEE22check_index_range_sizeINS2_21index_range_exceptionESt4lessEEjPKcjmPKNS2_18array_managed_typeEEN25DXX_ALWAYS_ERROR_FUNCTION33dxx_trap_handle_index_range_errorEv marked "dontcall-error": invalid index used in array subscript It started to build fine with gcc again, as it's currently building without problems when using it.
2022-05-28Switch to sdl2 and clang to fix buildDaniel Bermond
It currently fails to build with sdl1[1] and gcc 12.1.0[2]. [1] [2]
2020-05-23depends: add sdl_image (now required by upstream)Daniel Bermond
References ----------
2020-02-16Cosmetic changesDaniel Bermond
2019-12-15Drop i686. Update licenses. Use makeflags. Cosmetic changes.Daniel Bermond
2018-11-10Do not rename the source cloneDaniel Bermond
2018-10-25FixesDaniel Bermond
2018-03-17Initial commitDaniel Bermond