AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-04-04[lilac] updated to 1.4.4-10BioArchLinuxBot
2023-03-26[lilac] updated to 1.4.4-9BioArchLinuxBot
2022-12-02[lilac] updated to 1.4.4-8BioArchLinuxBot
2018-11-26Update to 1.4.4-1Rhinoceros
* Upstream changelog: * Fixed issues with FigTree on Java 9 (on any platform) and Mac OS X High Sierra and later. * New patch for new .sh script. Renamed patch to something more informative.
2016-12-07Update to 1.4.3-1Rhinoceros
* Upstream changelog: Bug fixes New features: Node shape option can now show shapes for internal or external nodes or both. Copying selected taxon labels when these are selected, subtree when branches are selected. Selecting 'reverse axis' should automatically reverse the Time Scale scale factor. Previously the user needed to set this to -1.0. When searching for text, scrolls to show highlighted tip. Bugs fixed: Issue 102: Large SVG files from figtree are broken Issue 95: Changing the origin value for the Scale Axis does not work Issue 94: The trait legend overlaps the tree. Issue 93: Command-line PDF/SVG export options not working Issue 92: Reading a file with a mix of integer and real node labels causes exception. Issue 90: Export picture cuts the top of the higest tip label Issue 79: Export of .SVG produces corrupt files
2015-06-08Update to 1.4.2-2Rhinoceros
* Add figtree.desktop and icon * Patch executable instead of bundling it * Clean up code
2015-06-08Initial commit of 1.4.2-1Rhinoceros
* Originally submitted by Alexandre G <alex foo lecairn bar org>