AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-05-13propagate upstream updateXZS
Again, some version numbers are left out, this time because they vanished from the page at, so access is not possible. Also, bugs were fixed.
2017-03-11propagate upstream updateXZS
Again, some version numbers are left out, this time because they vanished from the page at, so access is not possible. Also, bugs were fixed.
2017-01-09propagate upstream updateXZS
Bugs were fixed.
2017-01-09propagate upstream updateXZS
Bugs were fixed.
2017-01-09propagate upstream updateXZS
The interface was largely redesigned.
2016-11-17restructure paragraphsXZS
To improve readability, related functionality should be kept together, while different section are separated by multiple newlines.
2016-10-31model compatibility by defaultXZS
Despite the information given out via the API, Firefox actually permits installation of some extensions reported incompatible, which then work fine. This is because Firefox' internal mechanism determines that these extensions should be compatible by itself and subsequently refrains from even querying the API to begin with. The version range in the depends array should reflect this. The new condition set models how Firefox and Thunderbird decide compatibility to smoothen future updates.
2016-09-22propagate upstream updateXZS
2016-07-19propagate upstream updateXZS
2016-07-19propagate upstream updateXZS
2016-05-16propagate upstream updateXZS
2016-05-12derive URL from extension nameXZS
In the absence of a dedicated web page, the description page for the Add-On follows a similar naming scheme as the download link and can be automatically composed, too. Conditionally doing so when no explicit $url is set, eases transition should the extension be forked, switch maintainers or otherwise change in a way that the description page on is more accurate than the current page.
2016-05-12allow extension name overrideXZS
The advertised title of some extensions differs from the name used in the URL of their page on Overwriting it allows usage of the template nonetheless.
2016-05-04propagate upstream updateXZS
2016-04-23do not install version fileXZS
The file is just used to set up package information and relations. It is not needed in the package contents. When included nonetheless, it can cause Firefox to consider the Add-On as signed because of the additional file lacking any checksum or verification. Hiding it effectively excludes it from the installation.
2016-04-23preserve META-INFXZS
Because of a bug in libarchive, extracting the XPI archive through makepkg's automated process leaves the contents of the META-INF directory scrambled. This causes Firefox to reject the activation of the Add-On as long as "xpinstall.signatures.required" is not set to to "false" in "about:config". Unzip preserves the content flawlessly. The underlying bug in libarchive [1] is already fixed, but the changes are not yet shipped out through a release. An Arch Linux bug [2] also tracks the case. This commit shall be reverted as soon as the latter is marked as resolved. [1]: [2]:
2016-04-22exclude hidden filed in subdirectoriesXZS
Despite the wild card * not coping hidden files, this does not exclude such in subdirectories. A reliable method to exclude files by a pattern like "starting with a dot" would be rsync. But to not pull it in as an additional dependency, copy and find are preferred.
2016-04-20omit hidden filesXZS
Hidden files are normally only used to manage the source code of the extension. They are not needed in and have no direct relation to the compiled package and can thus be left out safely. At this moment, there are no hidden files in this extension. So this change happens just in anticipation to future additions and not raising the need to increment the pkgrel.
2016-04-04propagate upstream updateXZS
2016-03-23propagate upstream updateXZS
2016-03-23remove mksrcinfo headerXZS
This reverts "add mksrcinfo header". The .SRCINFO is now generated by "makepkg --printsrcinfo" which does no longer include any header since commit f63854f [1], released with pacman version 5.0.1. [1]:
2016-02-07propagate upstream updateXZS
2015-12-13propagate upstream updateXZS
2015-12-06add mksrcinfo headerXZS
The new version of mksrcinfo released with the recent update to pkgbuild-introspection adds a header to all .SRCINFO files.
2015-12-04propagate upstream updateXZS
2015-11-17propagate upstream updateXZS
2015-11-04propagate upstream updateXZS
2015-10-15ask for updated informationXZS
The API provides updated information about Add-On compatibility more recent than the install.rdf file included in the extension. Restricting package relations according to it yields a wider version range, especially with newer versions.
2015-09-23propagate upstream updateXZS
Thanks to AUR user Marcel_K for noticing.
2015-09-21propagate upstream updateXZS
2015-09-12propagate upstream updateXZS
2015-08-18ship out compatibility with current firefoxXZS
2015-07-30intital import from old AUR version 3XZS