AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-06-16[update] : v1.13hayao
2021-08-10Simple PKGBUILDhayao
2019-11-05propagate upstream updateXZS
The commit actually marking the extension as compatible was missing from the last release and is now included.
2019-11-04propagate upstream updateXZS
The extension is now compatible with the gnome-shell version 3.34.
2019-05-07propagate upstream updateXZS
Besides compatibility with the current gnome-shell version 3.32, this update also brings interoperability with the optistatus extension. [1] [1]:
2019-05-03propagate upstream updateXZS
Some errors were silenced. To do so, this update drops backwards compatibility to older gnome-shell versions.
2019-05-03propagate upstream updateXZS
A bug with the timeline switcher, introduced in the last compatibility update, was fixed.
2019-05-03propagate upstream updateXZS
Apart from translation and documentation updates, compatibility with gnome-shell version 3.30 arrived.
2019-05-03propagate upstream updateXZS
The new gnome-shell version 3.28 is now supported.
2017-10-29propagate upstream updateXZS
The recently released gnome-shell version 3.26 is now supported.
2017-09-27propagate upstream updateXZS
Newer Cinnamon and GNOME Shell versions are now supported.
2016-11-01propagate upstream updateXZS
The latest version is only tagged and not marked as a release, so to track it, a corresponding switch was necessary.
2016-11-01choose newest extension sourceXZS
Some extensions authors introduce build steps required before installing. Their execution normally produces a completed variant of the extension code in a subdirectory, difficult to tell apart from the original source. The find condition introduced herein proves the process against such cases to come. It always chooses the files created last, ensuring that a build which occurred after mere unpacking will always take precedence.
2016-07-20break long linesXZS
According to the Arch Packaging Standards [1], lines in a PKGBUILD should be no longer than 100 characters. This does not change the contents of the built package, so the pkgver stays unchanged. [1]:
2016-07-20improve location metricXZS
As an extension consists of both the metadata description and a JavaScript entry point always named extension.js, searching for both hardens the locating process against changes to the directory structure. This does not change the contents of the built package, so the pkgver stays unchanged.
2016-04-22fix version comparisonXZS
Comparing the minor version to a string of minor and major will never succeed. Originally, a restriction on the current shell version was omitted for historical reasons - most packages did so when dependencies were defined manually. This now turns into a concious decision to - permit the usage of the extension in instable gnome-shell versions - the ones with odd minor version numbers - where incompatibilities are introduced gradually. - ease the transition from one stable gnome-shell version - the ones with even minor version numbers - to the next. In an ideal world, all extensions should have been updates before the update hits the repositories. But as Arch is quite more on the edge than developers of some of the extensions, this is not the case more often than not.
2016-04-16propagate upstream updateXZS
This introduces compatibility for gnome-shell version 3.20.
2016-03-23end grep trickery, it has been bustedXZS
Unbelievably, also traditional tools like grep are regularly updated still today. Version 2.24 forbid the combination of some features with the -z option. This was exactly what was exploited here to make grep ignore newlines so they would not interrupt JSON dissection. More information about the change can be found at the bottom of the respective release notes. [1] Fixing it costs an invocation of tr to remove the bothersome newlines. Because the files are read within "find -exec" where input redirection is not readily possible, cat has to be invoked to start the pipeline. The grep script got only a tiny bit simpler by adhering to the new restriction and leaving newlines to tr. Thanks to AUR users jmauss, Asher256 and vinadoros for pointing to the critical line. [1]:
2016-03-23remove mksrcinfo headerXZS
This reverts "add mksrcinfo header". The .SRCINFO is now generated by "makepkg --printsrcinfo" which does no longer include any header since commit f63854f [1], released with pacman version 5.0.1. [1]:
2015-12-06add mksrcinfo headerXZS
The new version of mksrcinfo released with the recent update to pkgbuild-introspection adds a header to all .SRCINFO files.
2015-10-15propagate upstream updateXZS
Apart from translation updates, this introduces compatibility for gnome-shell version 3.18.
2015-08-06sort package functionsXZS
2015-08-03create release versionXZS
As coverflow-alt-tab gives out releases on GitHub, the package should not only have a git variant.