AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
8 daysexplicitly fetch LFS objectsPhillip Schichtel
8 daysadd "custom:" to the license and make it a SPDX idPhillip Schichtel
there is no SPDX id for the source first license, so I'm making this up as suggested by [1]. [1]:
8 daysadd missing makedependsPhillip Schichtel
8 daysfix creating the symlink on repeated startsPhillip Schichtel
8 daysFix checksumsNathan Chere
8 daysSRCINFONathan Chere
8 daysMerge patch with build fixesNathan Chere
11 daysMove to /optNathan Chere
11 daysUpdating buildNathan Chere
12 daysPKGBUILD updateNathan Chere
12 daysFix dependencieSNathan Chere
12 daysFix dependenciesNathan Chere
12 daysInitialNathan Chere