AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-02-02feat: Modify email addressDct Mei
2020-08-17feat: v1.6.1Dct Mei
1. A sanity check for certificate expiry has been added. If a client does not successfully refresh the certificate for whatever reason, it will now shut down gracefully 24 hours before the certificate actually expires instead of failing silently. 2. If the system time is off by more than 24 hours, a warning advising you to correct it will now be printed regularly. Failure to do so might make the certificate check trigger prematurely or fail to trigger at all. 3. During proxy requests, when a file is requested but not found in cache, the backend will now provide an alternative source link in addition to the primary one. If the client is unable to connect to the primary source, it will automatically fall back to the secondary one. 4. H@H now makes a best-effort attempt to include filesystem overhead for slack space in its cache size calculations. By default this calculation assumes a filesystem block size of 4kB which is by far the most common, adding an estimated overhead of 2 GB per 1 million files - roughly 0.5% for your average H@H cache.
2020-07-29fix: v1.6.0-2Dct Mei
1. Standard content format. 2. Modify the content of the service unit and run it as the hath user. 3. Add hath.sysusers to deploy hath users and user groups. 4. Add hath.tmpfiles to deploy the folder structure required at runtime.
2020-01-04v1.6.0Dct Mei
2017-10-22inital commitjtmb