AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-06-11fixed FindXDR bug since xdr_int passed from libc to libtirpcGeorge Eleftheriou
2017-10-24fix reported issues about locating JNIGeorge Eleftheriou
-- needed to remove the FindJNI.cmake module packaged in the archive
2017-10-20modified description and dependenciesGeorge Eleftheriou
2017-10-15Major packaging changesGeorge Eleftheriou
The previous package was a binary distribution for centos. The newly modified package is built from source and it does not include the HDFView application. It only builds the Java Native Interfaces of hdf5
2016-08-31Bump to 2.13.0Quan Guo
2015-06-17Initial importQuan Guo