AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-11-22AUR website commentJean Schoeller
2024-11-22AUR website commentJean Schoeller
2024-11-22AUR website commentJean Schoeller
2024-11-22AUR website commentJean Schoeller
2024-10-14fix pkgnameJean
2024-07-12Publishing v2 using the Hyprctl inputsJean
2024-07-12Publishing v2 using the Hyprctl inputsJean
2024-07-12Publishing v2 using the Hyprctl inputsJean
2023-07-17Universal touch supportJean
2023-07-17Universal touch supportJean
2023-05-18Update with latest computersJean
2023-03-02Fix eternal update loopJean
2023-03-02Fix eternal update loopJean
2023-03-02Fix eternal update loopJean
2023-03-02Fix eternal update loopJean
2023-03-02Fix eternal update loopJean
2023-03-02Fix eternal update loopJean
2023-03-02Fix bugsJean
2023-03-02Return to AURJean
2023-03-02Return to AURJean
2023-03-02Return to AURJean
2023-03-02Return to AURJean
2023-03-02Return to AURJean
2023-03-02Return to AURJean
2023-03-02Return to AURJean
2023-03-02Fix endless updatesJean
2023-03-02Fix endless updatesJean
2023-03-02Fix endless updatesJean
2023-03-02Fix endless updatesJean
2023-03-02Fix eternal update loopJean
2023-03-02Updated pkgverJean
2023-02-25Add touchscreen rotationJean
2023-02-25Added touch supportJean
2023-02-25Added touch support rotationJean
2023-02-22Moving to AURJean
2023-02-22Moving to AURJean