AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-08-03Added for parsing for official package version, currently `1.4.5907`.git user
2023-08-03Changed depenedncy `wxgtk3` to `wxwidgets-gtk3` as per ↵git user
2023-08-03Adopted package. General `PKGBUILD` overhaul.git user
2021-03-23Made the code build on Arch.Andrej Radovic
2018-08-23Fixed annoying MIME bug message.Andrej Radovic
Added a patch to strip extraneous fields from kicadlibrarian.xml mime package descriptor that caused an annoying message (Missing 'namespaceURI' attribute...) every time update-mime-database pacman hook ran.
2017-09-23Changed the pkgver() method to a more sensible oneAndrej Radovic
2017-08-16Forked repo, pulled requests, pointed to fork.Andrej Radovic
I cloned the original repo and added melak's pull requests. The PKGBUILD will point to my fork until those pull requests are incorporated into the master repo, as they allow for compilation with the wxgtk version currently available.
2017-07-23Changed to buildable fork, fixed .desktoAndrej Radovic
Changed the url to a buildable fork temporarily, until the author merges it. Fixed .desktop / icon / mime xml registration by copying them manually and refreshing the databases post-install. Removed multilib because it's not necessary. You can build it @64bit.
2017-07-23Changed to buildable fork, fixed .desktoAndrej Radovic
Changed the url to a buildable fork temporarily, until the author merges it. Fixed .desktop / icon / mime xml registration by copying them manually and refreshing the databases post-install. Removed multilib because it's not necessary. You can build it @64bit.
2017-04-16Added make and cmake to makedepends.Andrej Radovic
2017-04-15Initial commit - git version on AURAndrej Radovic