AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-04-04Update to version 1.0.10Marcus Schaetzle
2020-03-28Update to version 1.0.9Marcus Schaetzle
2020-03-21Update to version 1.0.8Marcus Schaetzle
2020-03-14Update to version 1.0.7Marcus Schaetzle
2020-03-08Update to version 1.0.6Marcus Schaetzle
2020-02-26Update to version 1.0.5Marcus Schaetzle
2020-02-23Update to 1.0.4Marcus Schaetzle
2020-02-22update SRCINFOMarcus Schaetzle
2020-02-22Update to version 1.0.3Marcus Schaetzle
2019-05-06Use upstream source to avoid issuesnatemaia
2019-04-13Version bump to 0.7.3natemaia
2019-02-28Version bump from upstreamnatemaia
2018-06-06Update repo addressnatemaia
2018-05-07Update to 0.6.4natemaia
2018-04-15Version bumpnatemaia
2018-04-10Version bump to 0.6.1 from upstreamnatemaia
2018-03-23Update version to 0.5.26natemaia
2018-03-06Update version to 0.5.24 from upstreamnatemaia
2018-02-21Update version to 0.5.23 from upstreamnatemaia
2018-02-05Update changes from upstreamnatemaia
2018-01-24Version bump from upstreamnatemaia
2018-01-11Version bump to 0.5.11, Fix regressions in previous releasenatemaia
2018-01-09Update version from upstreamnatemaia
2017-12-28Version bump to 0.5.8 from upstreamnatemaia
2017-12-18Bump version to 0.5.4 with recent changes from upstreamnatemaia
2017-12-12Touch up PKGBUILD, no need for 755 permissions on license and readmenatemaia
2017-12-12Update version to current from upstreamnatemaia
2017-08-06fix urlnatemaia
2017-08-05update maintainer & contributornatemaia
2017-08-05update SRCINFOnatemaia
2017-08-05change source urlnatemaia
2017-08-05add PKGBUILD & SRCINFOnatemaia