AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-07-17Update to 1.4.2Mike Swanson
2021-01-04Add ffmpeg and sdl2 as depedencies. Thanks @LuckiMike Swanson
2021-01-02Update to 1.4.1Mike Swanson
2020-06-22Update to 1.4.0Mike Swanson
2019-08-09Seems like a good time to update it.Mike Swanson
2019-06-30Update for new 32-bit supportMike Swanson
2019-06-24Some nice compatibility updatesMike Swanson
2019-06-18Update for post-wine branch mergeMike Swanson
2019-06-05New lib32-libtas-git package, same epoch as libtas-gitMike Swanson