AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-05-22Remove avahi dependency, thanks to @yochananmarqos's comment :]HurricanePootis
2021-05-22Update to 3.28HurricanePootis
2021-05-11Update to 0.3.27Christopher Snowhill
2021-04-24Update to 0.3.26Christopher Snowhill
2021-04-08Update to 0.3.25Christopher Snowhill
2021-03-19Update to 0.3.24Christopher Snowhill
2021-03-10Update to 0.3.23Christopher Snowhill
2021-02-18Update to 0.3.22Christopher Snowhill
2021-02-12Update to 0.3.21Christopher Snowhill
2021-01-27Update to 0.3.20Christopher Snowhill
2021-01-06Update to 0.3.19Christopher Snowhill
2020-12-30Fix package dependencies, now builds in a clean multilib chrootChristopher Snowhill
2020-12-15Update to 0.3.18. No new dependencies, since lib32-libopenaptx and ↵Christopher Snowhill
lib32-libldac have not magically materialized by my hands or anyone else's hands. Probably not needed anyway, since these are just to interface with the 64 bit PipeWire server, not interface with hardware.
2020-12-06Update to 0.3.17. Disable bluez5, as client libraries probably don't need it ↵Christopher Snowhill
anyway. Plus, the new libldac and libopenaptx dependencies don't have lib32 versions in the AUR yet, so I'd have to make those first.
2020-11-23Update to version 0.3.16-1Christopher Snowhill
2020-09-28Update to version 0.3.13-1Christopher Snowhill
2020-09-13Update maintainer/contributor commentsChristopher Snowhill
2020-09-12Added ALSA and gstreamer librariesChristopher Snowhill
2020-09-12Initial commit. Package version is 0.3.11-1.Christopher Snowhill