AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-12-04clean up PKGBUILD by a lotFerdinand Bachmann
2022-12-03remove download of -arm package, everything is now included in the main downloadFerdinand Bachmann
2022-12-03update PKGBUILD to fix new zip layoutFerdinand Bachmann
2022-03-30updated to Bachmann
2020-11-28add bass_fx.h header fileFerdinand Bachmann
2018-08-19updated to Bachmann
2018-06-05fix package for aarch64Ferdinand Bachmann
2018-06-05remove zip fileFerdinand Bachmann
2017-09-27Add sha256sums and remove built pkg from AUR packagetheFerdi265
2017-09-27Initial committheFerdi265