AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-07-07Update patchset for upstream 0.8.0 releaseCallum Parsey
As of 0.8.0, libQuotient has a build-time option for selecting either Qt 5 or Qt 6, which required adding infrastructure to change the name of the library target to prevent conflicts. Since I had to do this in my patchset for 0.7.2, the patchset is now greatly simplified. I still needed to make a few changes to other files to move the header install location though. I have also made some changes to the `pkg-config` description file to make it more responsive to the selected build configuration. These changes should probably be upstreamed as the file is otherwise incorrect for Qt 6 builds.
2023-06-26Release version 0.7.2-2Callum Parsey
2023-06-26Patch headers to support new install locationCallum Parsey
After CMake has finished installing the header files in the package directory, a pass is run over all of them to replace all instances of `# include <Quotient/` with `# include <QuotientE2EE/` to ensure that the nested header includes work against the new install location. The regular expression I used is sufficiently flexible to support a variety of white-space scenarios and should be future-proofed for the inclusion of new headers in the future.
2023-06-26Install library in dedicated namespaceCallum Parsey
Since adding encryption support changes the ABI, it is not feasible to simply replace the official package's files and require users to recompile all downstream software. To work around that, I have modified the build system of this package to install everything as `QuotientE2EE` instead of `Quotient`. So the headers are installed to `/usr/include/QuotientE2EE` instead of `/usr/include/Quotient`, the library itself is installed as `` instead of `` and the `pkg-config` and CMake configuration files have been renamed and adjusted accordingly to allow compilation against this separate library. As a side-effect of this, it should be possible to have `libquotient` and `libquotient-encryption` installed at the same time - there are no conflicting files between these packages now. The preprocessor macros passed to the compiler are unchanged, as are the CMake configuration options passed during the build process. At least in theory, all that needs to change in downstream software is to make the downstream build system use the `QuotientE2EE` library instead of `Quotient` and to include headers from the `QuotientE2EE` system directory instead of `Quotient` - all other variables should be able to remain unchanged. The header files are an interesting case, as they expect to be installed in a directory named `Quotient`. This is something I don't think I can change in the build system itself without moving the entire source tree or separating the headers from the source, so I'll probably have to leave the headers as-is during the build, and then change them in the `package()` step. All that should need to change in the headers is replacing instances of `#include <Quotient` with `#include <QuotientE2EE` - everything else should continue to work.
2023-06-25Remove unneeded files from packageCallum Parsey
Namely the `quotest` program and the Android NDK build files, as those will conflict with the official `libquotient` package regardless of how we change the name/location of the headers/library.
2023-06-24Update to 0.7.2, clean up to meet guidelinesCallum Parsey
I've made a bunch of changes to the `PKGBUILD` script to make it more closely meet the Arch Linux packaging guidelines. - The package description is now less than 100 characters in length. It should be below 80 according to the guidelines, but my understanding is that since this is a modification of an official Arch package, it should include the official package's description. - The `license` has been changed from `LGPL2` to `LGPL2.1`. The former is not listed in `/usr/share/licenses/common` which produces an error in `namcap`. And the latter is more correct anyway. - `gcc` and `make` have been removed from `makedepends` because we are allowed to assume that all `base-devel` packages are already installed. `git` has also been removed from `makedepends` because it is not needed during the actual package build process (only to clone the AUR Git repository). - Inversely, I've added all transient dependencies (dependencies which would otherwise automatically be pulled by `pacman` due to it being a dependency further down the tree) to `depends` as per recent guidelines and `namcap` output. This means that, in addition to the top-level dependencies `libolm`, `qt5-multimedia` and `qtkeychain-qt5` we also need to explicitly specify `gcc-libs`, `glibc` and `openssl` (and `qt5-base` but that was already present). I am honestly yet to see any other AUR package which explicitly lists `glibc` as a dependency, and interestingly enough the official `libquotient` package doesn't list it either, but as far as I can tell from reading BBS/Wiki packages, I am indeed supposed to do this. See - Added the soname (``) to `provides` to help packages which look for sonames instead of Arch package names. The soname is generated from the first two digits of `pkgver`. - Switched from `sha512sums` to `sha256sums` so that I can just copy the source checksum from the official Arch package when updating. - Adjusted `source` to use `pkgver` so that bumping `pkgver` is enough to cause the new source version to be downloaded instead of the old. - Use `cmake -B <build dir> -S <source dir>` instead of manually creating directories, as per the CMake packaging guidelines. - Use `cmake --build` and `cmake --install` instead of manually calling `make` as per the CMake packaging guidelines - Remove `CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR` because it is no longer needed (I don't know if it was ever needed at all) - Change `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` from `Release` to `None` as per the CMake packaging guidelines. This causes CMake to use the system-provided build settings (i.e. those specified in `/etc/makepkg.conf`) verbatim, without adding additional optimisations or debugging information. - Note that the CMake changes listed above have already been applied to the official `libquotient` package. - Use `pkgver` when accessing the source directory directly, again so that only `pkgver` has to be updated to make the new version work.
2023-02-05fix sha512sum[object Object]
2023-01-30update to 0.7.1[object Object]
2023-01-11multithreaded compile[object Object]
2023-01-09I forgor to update .SRCINFO[object Object]
2023-01-09Initial commit[object Object]