AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-11-08Updated PKGBUIDPhillipe Smith
2015-11-28New buildPhillipe Smith
2015-11-15Removed PostLogout script (causing dbus problems after session logout)Phillipe Smith
2015-10-20Fix blank screen problemPhillipe Smith
2015-10-20Fix blank screen problemPhillipe Smith
2015-10-20Fix blank screen problemPhillipe Smith
2015-10-18patch to lxdm.c to fix lxdm blank screenPhillipe Smith
2015-10-18Removed BusName to lxdm.servicePhillipe Smith
2015-10-18Added BusName to lxdm.servicePhillipe Smith
2015-07-31Removed xconn patchPhillipe Smith
2015-06-09Initial importPhillipe Smith