AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-04-16Update - add man pageRandoragon
2021-01-26Fix architecturesRandoragon
2021-01-24Update .SRCINFORandoragon
2021-01-24Add provides fieldRandoragon
2021-01-24Fix pkgver() revision infoRandoragon
2021-01-23Add automatic package versioning based on git revRandoragon
2020-11-13Bump version to 1.0.2Randoragon
From now on only the absolutely necessary keys are grabbed, leaving all the other ones untouched.
2020-09-29Bump .SRCINFO version to 1.0.1Randoragon
Forgot to do it in the previous commit.
2020-09-29Bump version to 1.0.1Randoragon
Added ability to move the mouse with keypad arrow keys.
2020-09-21Remove gcc from makedepends (part of base-devel)Randoragon
2020-09-20Remove unnecessary comments from PKGBUILDRandoragon
2020-09-20Fix package nameRandoragon
2020-09-20Init commitRandoragon