AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-09-14update neofetch to 3.3.0dylan araps
2017-06-21Update: Neofetch 3.2.0Dylan Araps
2017-04-25General: 3.1.0dylan araps
2017-01-30Bump version to 3.0.1Dylan Araps
2017-01-23General: Update neofetch to 3.0Dylan Araps
2016-12-07Update Neofetch to 2.0.2Dylan Araps
2016-12-06Update Neofetch to 2.0.1Dylan Araps
2016-12-06update descriptionDylan Araps
2016-12-06update descriptionDylan Araps
2016-12-02Update Neofetch to 2.0Dylan Araps
2016-11-04Update neofetch to 1.9.1Dylan Araps
2016-11-01Update to neofetch 1.9Dylan Araps
2016-10-04Neofetch 1.8.1Dylan Araps
2016-10-02Neofetch 1.8Dylan Araps
2016-05-15xprop is now an optional dependencyDylan
2016-05-14Update neofetch to 1.7Dylan
2016-04-01Update aur package to 1.6Dylan
2016-03-25Update PKGBUILDDylan
2016-03-18Update md5 hashDylan
2016-03-17Neofetch 1.5Dylan
2016-03-13Fix package install issueDylan
2016-03-12Added filesDylan