AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-04-22Update to r86.e043f6aThor with Pizza
2021-03-30Update to r82.4e94ec5Thor with Pizza
2020-12-10delete empty lineThor with Pizza
2020-12-10gitignore everything but needed filesThor with Pizza
2020-12-10.SRCINFO Update to r77.f338707Thor with Pizza
2020-12-10Update to r77.f338707--local
2019-08-20Update to r73.b9fa728midgard
2018-02-23New versionmidgard
2017-09-30Update to r57.6f60b66midgard
2017-08-21Improve package descriptionmidgard
2017-08-19New version r56midgard
2017-08-13Initial commitmidgard
Based on the PKGBUILD file of the kotlin-vim AUR package.