AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-09Upgrade to version 2.2.2Plague Doctor
2022-08-28Upgrade to version 2.2.1Plague Doctor
2022-08-28Upgrade to version 2.2.1Plague Doctor
2022-08-28Upgrade to version 2.2.1Plague Doctor
2021-11-09A fix to the buildPlague Doctor
2021-09-30Add ttf-font-nerd to provides.Plague Doctor
2020-05-23Merge branches 'master' and 'master' of ssh:// Doctor
2020-05-23Upgrade to version 2.1.0Plague Doctor
2020-02-03Upgrade to version 2.1.0Plague Doctor
2018-10-22Nerd-Fonts FantasqueSansMonoPlague Doctor