AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-10-20Update pkgver()Peter Mattern
2023-10-20Update build()Peter Mattern
* The problem described in package commit 5af88951 was fixed in networkmanager-qt upstream. Thus, remove nm-tray's CMake option serving as workaround. * The auto-detected value of NM_TRAY_XDG_AUTOSTART_DIR is currently in /usr. Thus, set a correct value as absolute path.
2023-10-20Reflect package name change in extraPeter Mattern
In order to support Qt 6 and 5 in parallel, package networkmanager-qt in extra was renamed to networkmanager-qt5 recently. To ease the transition, the latter was providing the former for a while. This was stopped in networkmanager-qt5 5.111.0-1, so use the new package name.
2016-06-28Bump versionPeter Mattern
To enforce recompiling against Qt 5.7.
2016-05-06Set binary version of NM to 1.2.0 in CMake option BIN_NM_VERSIONPeter Mattern
Problem addressed in FS#42991 is fixed for now but may basically crop up again in the future. Thus modifying the version instead of removing the option altogether for now. See upstream discussion in
2016-05-05State NM binary version as CMake variablePeter Mattern
workaround for FS#49221
2016-05-05Initial commitPeter Mattern