AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-05-28Update to version 0.4.5Jeremy Audet
2018-02-02Update urlJeremy Audet
2017-12-11Update maintainer infoJeremy Audet
2017-06-25Add a simple script for testing osmupdateJeremy Audet
When executed, it will verify that: * osmupdate functions correctly when passed no arguments. * osmupdate functions correctly when told to update a (small) `.pbf` file.
2017-06-25Update to version 0.4.4; overhaul packageJeremy Audet
Most importantly, do the following: * Update package from version 0.4.1 to version 0.4.4. * Don't list glibc as a dependency. [1] * List osmconvert and wget as dependencies. [1] * List gzip as an optional dependency. [1] Also: * Update "maintainer" and "contributor" comments at top of package. * Update the "pkgdesc" variable to be more concise. * Use an "sha256sums" array instead of an "md5sums" array. * Update "license" variable from "GPL" to "AGPL3." * Twiddle with style. Use single quotes instead of double quotes where possible. Drop quotes from especially short and simple strings. Indent function bodies. Add a comment with a vim tabstop and shiftwidth declaration. * Quote variable substitutions. * Enable optimization during compilation. [1]
2015-06-24initial commitoli