AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-06-01pandoc-plot Release 1.7syntonym
Added support for the declarative diagram language D2, thanks to a contribution by Sanchayan Maity (#60). Added support for optparse-applicative v0.18.
2023-01-24pandoc-plot 1.6.1syntonym
Fixed an issue where figure attributes were lost, which prevent other filters (e.g. pandoc-crossref) from working in conjunction with pandoc-plot.
2022-11-07Release 1.5.5syntonym
* Fixed an issue where there was a race condition when rendering multiple identical figures (#53).
2022-07-07Release 1.5.4syntonym
Fixed an issue where graphviz plots in vector format were cropped when a DPI was specified (#40).
2022-05-14Release 1.5.3syntonym
Fixed an issue where the tight_bbox option for Matplotlib plots was ignored (#48)
2022-05-12Release 1.5.2syntonym
Overhauled the way executables are handled. This fixes an issue where executables specified in documents (rather than configuration) were ignored (#46).
2022-05-10Update to 1.5.1syntonym
Figures with no captions (and no link to the source script), will now be shown as an image, without figure numbering (#37).
2022-03-28Release 1.5.0syntonym
Adds support for Sage (#44). Fixes an issue where the parsing of default save format from configuration was overly restrictive (#42). Linux and Windows executables are now built with GHC 9.2.
2022-03-11Release 1.4.1syntonym
Don't automatically defer javascript scripts when creating interactive figures (#39).
2022-01-16pandoc-plot Release 1.4.0syntonym
* The executable pandoc-plot now uses pandoc 2.17. Pandoc 2.11+ are still supported. * Added support for aeson 2+.
2021-08-19version 1.3syntonym
* The executable pandoc-plot is now aware of final conversion format. * Added a new function, plotFilter, which is aware of the pandoc's final conversion format. This allows for better defaults and error messages. * Deprecated plotTransform in favour of plotFilter. plotTransform will be removed in the next major update (v2+). * Save formats incompatible with toolkits will now show an appropriate error. * The build system is now based on cabal-install rather than stack. * Fixed an issue where some types of PlantUML diagrams (e.g. Gantt charts) would not be exported correctly (#30).
2021-06-12Updated packagingsyntonym
Packaging of binaries changed, the zip now includes a directory which includes the binary.
2021-06-12Update hashsyntonym
The release strategy of pandoc-plot changed and assets of a version may change. Updated the PKGBUILD with the current hash (commit 6009a5f836).
2021-06-101.2.3 Bugfixsyntonym
Matlab figures are now saved in the correct location
2021-05-31update to 1.2.2syntonym
2021-05-18Update to 1.2.1syntonym
2021-05-05update to 1.2.0syntonym
2021-03-16Update to version 1.1.1syntonym
*Error messages now include the source script and line numbers. *The executables are now built with Pandoc 2.12. Pandoc 2.11 is still supported.
2021-03-02Support for PlantUMLsyntonym
2021-01- releasesyntonym
2021-01-11new version
2020-12-27update to
2020-10-29pandoc-plot-bin update
2020-09-21pandoc-plot-bin update
2020-08-25pandoc-plot version
2020-08-05pandoc-plot-bin update to
2020-07-30pandoc-plot-bin: Forgot .SRCINFO updatesyntonym
2020-07-30Update versionsyntonym
2020-07-23pandoc-plot first AUR releasesyntonym