AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-08-11Bump up rel number, because source branch was updated to reflect deprecation ↵Josef Vybíhal
of given-when
2022-04-19Fixed bad .SRCINFOJosef Vybíhal
2020-09-19Added make builddependencyJosef Vybíhal
2020-02-19Minor dependency changes, added colflicting pkgJosef Vybíhal
2020-02-18Changed source to my github v1.1 fork which I may, or may not,Josef Vybíhal
mainstain. It's based on nichivo's branch, which adds some more scripts. I found out, that some scripts were broken (at least for me). So i reverted the changes (ls, and ip) Also I am not sure, how much I can legaly touch the code, since the licence info is wonky around the github sources and forks.
2018-07-13Added missing dependencyJosef Vybíhal
2017-10-19Initial commit.Josef Vybíhal