AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-06-08fix depsYardena Cohen
2019-07-21bump srcinfoYardena Cohen
2019-07-21fix urlYardena Cohen
2018-08-06bump 0.14yar
2017-09-18ignore namcap logyar
2017-09-18bump for new perlyar
2017-01-12provides, conflicts, replaces old oneyar
2017-01-11more dependsyar
2017-01-11Merge old perl-crypt-random-source-factory branchyar
2017-01-11rename to perl-random-source, bump 0.12yar
2017-01-11[perl-crypt-random-source] cloned from [perl-crypt-random-source-factory] ↵yar
and bumped to 0.12
2016-02-11ignore src, logyar
based loosely on perl-math-random-secure (which isn't committed yet - this is a dependency. exclamation mark.)