AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-11-15upgpkg: perl-dbd-csv 0.58-1Cedric Girard
upstream release
2019-06-12upgpkg: perl-dbd-csv 0.54-2Cedric Girard
rebuild for perl 5.30
2019-02-15upgpkg: perl-dbd-csv 0.54-1Cedric Girard
upstream release
2015-03-17update DBC::CSV PKGBUILD to 0.48Cedric Girard
2013-08-13update DBD::CSV PKGBUILD to 0.41Cedric Girard
2013-03-25DBD::CSV pkgbuild updated to 0.38Cedric Girard
2012-06-18perl-dbd-csv updated to 0.35Cedric Girard
2011-11-20updated perl-dbd-csv and changed upstream urlCedric Girard