AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-09-12Updated PKG to include licensepyamsoft
2015-09-11Formatting updates, VC versioningpyamsoft
2015-09-09Version bump to 1.3.0. Check GitHub commit log for detailspyamsoft
2015-08-11Version bump to 1.2.12pyamsoft
2015-08-11Updated to version 1.2.12pyamsoft
2015-07-18Updated to 1.2.11pyamsoft
2015-07-16New x86 policy handlingpyamsoft
2015-07-16Version bumppyamsoft
2015-07-16Version bumppyamsoft
2015-07-16Updated pkgbuild with new x86 perf policy rulepyamsoft
2015-07-14Update SRCINFOpyamsoft
2015-07-14Updated versionpyamsoft
2015-07-14Do not include udev, zsh by defaultpyamsoft
2015-07-01Updated PKGBUILD to include new flags for 1.2.6pyamsoft
2015-06-26Added opt dependspyamsoft
2015-06-23Added coreutils runtime dependencypyamsoft
2015-06-10PKGBUILD format fixespyamsoft
2015-06-10Added make optionspyamsoft
2015-06-08Initial commitpyamsoft