AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-08-13upgpkg: python-dowel 0.0.4-1Eric Langlois
Reset pkgrel
2021-08-13upgpkg: python-dowel 0.0.4-2Eric Langlois
2021-08-13Regenerate .SRCINFO files; removes blank lineEric Langlois
The new makepkg version generates the files without a blank line at the end.
2020-10-01upgpkg: python-dowel 0.0.3-2Eric Langlois
Remove unnecessary dependencies
2020-06-30Remove .gitignoreEric Langlois
Replace project gitignores with a global gitignore
2020-05-03Remove debug outputEric Langlois
2020-05-03PKGBUILD for python-dowel v0.0.3Eric Langlois