AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-04-02Make SPDX compliantHurricanePootis
2024-04-01Update to 2.10.36 and make license more accuaret and ensure gimp<2.99HurricanePootis
2023-02-27Update to 2.10.34HurricanePootis
2023-02-14Update to 2.10.32HurricanePootis
2021-12-21Update to 2.10.30HurricanePootis
2021-09-18Updated to GIMP 2.10.28HurricanePootis
2021-04-02Update autoconf back to normalHurricanePootis
2021-03-30Update to GIMP 20.10.24 and added correct autoconf version to depend listHurricanePootis
2021-01-02Downgrade to 2.10.20-2ValHue
2021-01-01Update to 2.10.22-1ValHue
2020-06-11Update to 2.10.20-1ValHue
2020-03-28Adopt the packageValHue
2020-03-28Adopt the packageValHue
2020-03-18Add python2-gimpBalló György
It brings back the python2 support for gimp, which was removed from gimp 2.10.18-3.