AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-06-20upgpkg: srhtctl 0.5.0-1Thorben Günther
upstream release
2020-06-09upgpkg: srhtctl 0.4.0-3Thorben Günther
New go package standard
2020-02-28upgpkg: srhtctl 0.4.0-2Thorben Günther
2020-02-26upgpkg: srhtctl 0.3.1-2Thorben Günther
2020-02-26upgpkg: srhtctl 0.3.1-1Thorben Günther
upstream release
2020-02-26upgpkg: srhtctl 0.3.0-1Thorben Günther
upstream release add completions for bash and zsh
2020-02-25upgpkg: srhtctl 0.2.0-1Thorben Günther
upstream release
2020-02-23Add build and use go-pie.Thorben Günther
2020-02-23Add srhtctl to aur.Thorben Günther