AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-03-03Updated .SRCINFO and contact infoGiorgi Kobakhidze
2023-03-03Cleaned up PKGBUILD a bit and made a patch for tensor_format errorGiorgi Kobakhidze
2023-03-03Update .SRCINFOGiorgi Kobakhidze
2023-03-03Clean up txt2img script and license listGiorgi Kobakhidze
2022-12-12Minor changesAlexander F. Rødseth
2022-12-11Update dependenciesAlexander F. Rødseth
2022-09-06Minor changesAlexander F. Rødseth
2022-09-06Remove the .git folder from $pkgdirAlexander F. Rødseth
2022-09-06Improve the package descriptionAlexander F. Rødseth
2022-09-06Initial commitAlexander F. Rødseth