AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
9 daysActually update pkgrelTravis Chen
12 daysForce latest imageTravis Chen
12 daysUpdate pkgrelTravis Chen
12 daysUpdate to build zip versionTravis Chen
2021-11-21Update .SRCINFOTravis Chen
2021-11-21Use opt compilation_modeTravis Chen
2021-11-21Add protobuf and python-protobuf dependenciesTravis Chen
2021-10-31Add rootless Docker compatibilityTravis Chen
2021-10-31Add script to build with DockerTravis Chen
2021-10-31Update to install systemd templatesTravis Chen
2021-10-30Change generic version to branch nameTravis Chen
2021-10-30Add PKGBUILD and .SRCINFOTravis Chen