AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-05-29modified pkgbuild fileChristopher Scott
2017-10-24Release v1.4.0Dany Marcoux
v is now prefixed to the version
2016-11-22Fix pre-commit.sh for updated checksums checkDany Marcoux
2016-11-22Fix inconsistencies in package maintenanceDany Marcoux
2016-11-22Use precompiled binary and improve maintenance workflowDany Marcoux
2016-10-06Improve git pre-commit hookDany Marcoux
2016-10-06Release tag-ag 1.2.1-2Dany Marcoux
Improve the package's documentation and automate the sha256sums in the PKGBUILD file
2016-08-26Release tag-ag 1.2.1Dany Marcoux
2016-06-14Pre-release tag-ag 1.0.0-3Dany Marcoux
Setup git pre-commit hook to generate .SRCINFO file and add it to the commit if it changed
2016-06-14Pre-release tag-ag 1.0.0-2Dany Marcoux
2016-06-14Pre-release tag-ag 1.0.0Dany Marcoux