AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-01-28sqlite: adapt to switch to prebuildReto Brunner
2023-03-19Switch to npm for the bundling, same as upstreamReto Brunner
2022-04-06node stuff should go to /usr/lib, not /var/libReto Brunner
2022-03-30Make sure to rebuild sqlite3, don't execute npm scriptsReto Brunner
2022-03-07updpkgsumsReto Brunner
2022-03-07SRCINFOReto Brunner
2022-03-07tmpfiles: Only create the top level dir in /etcReto Brunner
TL should be in charge of the permissions. This fixes a security issue which exposes vapid.json etc.
2022-03-07Prepare for 4.3.1Reto Brunner
* use yarn to install rather than npm: There's a bug in npm that makes the sqlite3 installation fail, probably because it's a pinned commit. So just use yarn instead that properly resolves the commit pin. * build with latest node: Issues seem to be fixed and the build succeeds with the rc * Python3 \o/
2021-11-24clean up the buildReto Brunner
2019-02-20initial commitReto Brunner