AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-03-28Remove gitignore, not part of Arch packaging guidelinesCaleb Maclennan
The need for git ignore files is better served by a single parent .gitignore in the directory above all one's AUR packages (whether this is just a loose file or part of an `aurpublish` setup or whether `pkgctl` is being used). Each AUR package having its own missmatched ignore rules that behave differently depending on developer preferences is fairly disruptive because tooling doesn't behave the same between packages.
2024-03-27upgpkg: travis-lint 2.0.0-1Caleb Maclennan
upstream release Disown
2020-05-29Cleanup package descriptions to make coderobe's linter happy(er)Caleb Maclennan
upgpkg: aguilas 1.0.2-0 upgpkg: cups-xerox-workcentre-3025 1.0_25-2 upgpkg: freecheck-git 0.30_6_g5f80e5a-1 upgpkg: freecheck 0.30-4 upgpkg: gnome-shell-extension-no-title-bar v9-1 upgpkg: lua-cldr 0.0.0-7 upgpkg: lua-zlib 11.2-1 upgpkg: otf-tex-gyre-ib 2.005-8 upgpkg: python-hamster-gtk-git 0.11.0.r105.g6b5d106-1 upgpkg: python-hamster-lib-git 0.13.1.r20.gbc34c82-1 upgpkg: python-poppler-qt5 0.75.0-4 upgpkg: terra-git 0.0.0.r1213.gf6c76fc-1 upgpkg: travis-lint 2.0.0-1 upgpkg: ttf-alef-ibx 1.001-6 upgpkg: ttf-caladea-ib 20140817-1 upgpkg: ttf-carlito-ib 20140820-1 upgpkg: ttf-dejavu-ib 2.37-2 upgpkg: ttf-droid-family-ib 20121017-13 upgpkg: ttf-iosevka-ibx 3.0.0-1 upgpkg: ttf-noto-fonts-emoji-ib 20170310-1 upgpkg: ttf-pfennig-ibx 20120410-5 upgpkg: ttf-playfair-display-ibx 1.002-3 upgpkg: ttf-sansation-ibx 1.31-5 upgpkg: ttf-signika-family-ib 1.0001-9 upgpkg: ttf-sinkin-sans-ibx 1.1-6 upgpkg: ttf-sorts-mill-goudy-ibx 3.1-9 upgpkg: ttf-source-code-pro-ibx 2.030ro+1.050it-1 upgpkg: ttf-source-sans-pro-ibx 3.006-1 upgpkg: ttf-source-serif-pro-ibx 3.001-1 upgpkg: ttf-triod-postnaja-ibx 20110805-7 upgpkg: ttf-unfonts-core-ibx 1.0.2-1 upgpkg: ttf-vlgothic-ibx 20141206-1 upgpkg: ttf-vollkorn-ibx 3.005-5 upgpkg: ttf-wqy-microhei-ibx 0.2.0_beta-11 upgpkg: ttf-wqy-zenhei-ibx 0.9.45-7
2019-08-26Cleanup bash shell quoting using shellhardenCaleb Maclennan
2018-09-01Update .gitignore file for easy bulk repository managementCaleb Maclennan
2018-03-01Add .gitignore file for easier repository managementCaleb Maclennan
2015-06-11Initial aur4 importMcNoggins