AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-01-23Switch java dependency to java-runtime, patch 'hostname -i' and add check() f...Donald Webster
2017-01-22Fix patch.Donald Webster
2017-01-18Switch to 16.04 Ubuntu package.Donald Webster
2017-01-18Update to 3.6.0.Donald Webster
2016-11-28Update to 2.5.2Donald Webster
2016-08-30Update to 3.4.0Donald Webster
2016-07-22Update to 3.3.0Donald Webster
2016-04-18Add more restart logic to systmd service file.Donald Webster
2016-04-18Switch service type to forking, remove --nodetach from start/stop.Donald Webster
2016-04-18Initial commit, moving package to 'unifi-video' instead of 'unifi-video-bin'.Donald Webster