AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-01Update to version 5.0.8joelvaz0x01
2022-06-29Updated to 5.0.6tjbp
2022-05-17Updated to 5.0.4tjbp
2022-02-28Updated to 5.0.1tjbp
2021-12-28Updated to 4.5.15tjbp
2021-10-15Updated to 4.5.14tjbp
2021-05-08Updated to 4.5.13tjbp
2021-04-07Replaced integrity generation with statictjbp
2021-04-02Upstream updatedtjbp
2021-03-17new upstream relaseNick Boughton
2021-01-24new upstreamNick Boughton
2020-12-21fix ENOENT errorNick Boughton
2020-12-09upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-10-20upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-10-07new upstreamNick Boughton
2020-09-10upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-09-01added vue conflictNick Boughton
2020-08-18new upstream versionNick Boughton
2020-08-11new upstream (again, seriously this is the 3rd bump this week)Nick Boughton
2020-08-10upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-08-07upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-08-05upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-06-24upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-06-22new upstreamNick Boughton
2020-06-12upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-06-12removed unnecessary makedepends (jq)Nick Boughton
2020-06-12brought PKGBUILD in line with node packaging guidelines (thanks to GFdevelop)Nick Boughton
2020-06-12upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-06-12upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-05-25new upstream releaseNick Boughton
2020-05-21new upstream versionNick Boughton
2020-04-23New upstream versionNick Boughton
2020-03-03new upstream versionNick Boughton
2020-02-07upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2020-01-08new upstream versionNick Boughton
2019-12-02new upstream releaseNick Boughton
2019-11-17Merge branch 'master' of aur:vue-cliNick Boughton
2019-11-17new upstream releaseNick Boughton
2019-10-30new upstream releaseNick Boughton
2019-09-04upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2019-08-04upstream version updateNick Boughton
2019-07-25minor upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2019-07-08minor version bumpNick Boughton
2019-07-08fixed maintainer emailNick Boughton
2019-07-03upstream version bumpNick Boughton
2019-06-25new upstream versionNick Boughton
2019-06-24new upstream versionNick Boughton
2019-05-15updated for upstream releaseNick Boughton
2019-04-26updated upstreamNick Boughton
2019-04-04version bump for 3.5.5Nick Boughton