path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-06-17Add MIT license for framework (./system), add docshashworks
2020-06-17Add git submodules to sourcehashworks
2020-06-12Bump version to 3.4.5hashworks
2020-06-08Checkout tag in source, verify ithashworks
2020-06-08Add license file to package, some improvementshashworks
2020-06-06Bump version to 3.4.4hashworks
2020-06-06PKGBUILD improvementshashworks
- the git checkout and submodule init stuff should be happening in prepare() - use install -D -d -m<mode> -o $owner-uid -g $owner-gid "${pkgdir}/........." for creating directories - use install -d -m<mode> ... (same as above) for copying files - even though not strictly needed, missing quotes around $pkgdir in package() - is that "cd ..." into the $pkgdir really needed? - try to use absolute path referencing "${pkgdir}/..." for all these rm/find calls - quote the -name argument of the find call, avoid escaping where possible
2020-05-20Re-add Simon Hanna as a contributor, my bad!hashworks
2020-03-24Add systemd timers and php-fpm example confighashworks
2020-03-24Update maintainerhashworks
2020-03-24Remove existing memcached config before symlink creationhashworks
2020-02-16Updated to 3.4.3Felix Golatofski
2016-07-26upgpkg: filebin 0.9.18-1Simon Hanna
upstream release
2016-07-10upgpkg: filebin 0.9.14-1Simon Hanna
upstream release
2015-12-31upgpkg: filebin 0.9.8-1Simon Hanna
upstream release
2015-06-08update pkg sumsSimon Hanna
2015-06-08Import filebin v 0.9.2Simon Hanna