path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-05-17update for json-cferreum
2022-05-07install swaymatch command as symlinkferreum
2022-05-07update for full sway supportferreum
2019-01-20add git to makedependsDaniel K
2018-06-05set correct upstream URLDaniel K
2018-06-05use url as stated by gitlabDaniel K
2018-06-05change to gitlab repositoryDaniel K
2018-03-22version 0.1.34Daniel K
2017-09-14version 0.1.26Daniel K
2017-08-08use https, update descriptionDaniel K
2017-01-14renamed man directoryDaniel K
2017-01-14initial versionDaniel K