path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-07-14Update licensea821
2023-05-05remove calls. bump for python 3.11a821
2022-04-02Update PKGBUILDa821
Synchronize the PKGBUILD with that one of the official package. Note: Many tests fail, but so happens with the official package => we leave the check function as is.
2021-03-25http->https, bump major verion, fix srgb.icc path in check()Darren Ng
2020-06-29+deps python-pikepdf, remove 'g' before verDarren Ng
2016-08-24Dependencie fixozgursarier
2016-08-23useless msg command deletedozgursarier
2016-03-10minor fixozgursarier
2016-02-29Some minor fixes.ozgursarier
2016-02-29New conflicts added.ozgursarier
2016-02-29Update to 0.2.0ozgursarier
2015-10-04pkgver function fixozgursarier
2015-10-03pkg version fixedozgursarier
2015-10-03Wrong python(3->2) deps fixedozgursarier
2015-09-18Simplifying PKGBUILDozgursarier
2015-09-15PKGBUILD fixozgursarier
2015-09-15Initial importozgursarier