path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-04-04adhere to greatest pre-release numberXZS
The newest version is obviously represented by the greatest number, so sorting has to be reversed.
2017-03-11propagate upstream updateXZS
Translations were updated and subdirectory handling improved.
2017-03-11expand release file syntaxXZS
Files appeared that use an underscore instead of a hyphen, so the patterns have to adapt to find the correct version number again. As the still noted version 1.9.8 can be parsed using the old pattern, this does not trigger a pkgrel change. But it enables the next pkgver update to begin with.
2016-11-17follow pre-release schemeXZS
The author of GNotifier pushes numbered pre-releases to the repository before marking the new version as stable. Pacman's version comparison supports such numbers when they are not separated from the last version component by a dot. Using these sticks more closely to the original numbers than the revision count prefixes previously employed. This decreases the pkgver and thus would normally require introducing an epoch. But this update does not affect the contents of the package, so there is no need to push it to users who already have the package installed. They will receive the change with the next release, which can be expected to start with '1.9.8.' (note the dot) or '1.9.9pre', which both compare greater to both the decreased and revision counted current version number. As an epoch should only be employed as a last measure [1], this temporary inconsistency does not rectify its introduction. [1]:
2016-11-17propagate upstream updateXZS
The last pre-release in this series brings minor final polish.
2016-11-17restructure paragraphsXZS
To improve readability, related functionality should be kept together, while different section are separated by multiple newlines.
2016-10-31propagate upstream updateXZS
The last pre-release in this series brings minor final polish.
2016-10-31propagate upstream updateXZS
This pre-release improved documentation, loading and unloading.
2016-10-31propagate upstream updateXZS
More pre-release improvements to icons were made.
2016-10-31propagate upstream updateXZS
The new pre-release brings more translations and icons.
2016-10-31propagate upstream updateXZS
The last pre-release brought changes for Windows only, so it was skipped as irrelevant to users of the package. The pre-release thereafter (1.9.8-pre4) learned to count more precisely, moved the temporary files and updated a translation.
2016-10-31model compatibility by defaultXZS
Despite the information given out via the API, Firefox actually permits installation of some extensions reported incompatible, which then work fine. This is because Firefox' internal mechanism determines that these extensions should be compatible by itself and subsequently refrains from even querying the API to begin with. The version range in the depends array should reflect this. The new condition set models how Firefox and Thunderbird decide compatibility to smoothen future updates.
2016-09-22propagate upstream updateXZS
The new pre-release beta allows to limit the number of simultaneous notifications, which is especially useful for Thunderbird users.
2016-09-22propagate upstream updateXZS
A new pre-release beta archive was published to the repository. Users of this package should receive such updates. Among bugfixes and translation updates, the notification can now be selectively disabled per file extension of downloaded file or mail folder.
2016-09-22support arbitrary integrity checksXZS
The git-makepkg-templates switched to dynamic adaptation to integrity checks chosen in makepkg.conf. [1] The default checksums chosen reflect recommendations from the Arch Linux Wiki and manual pages. [2] [1]: [2]:
2016-04-22also move down hidden filesXZS
This keeps the git directory in place so that the pkgver function yields correct numbers afterwards.
2016-04-22exclude hidden filed in subdirectoriesXZS
Despite the wild card * not coping hidden files, this does not exclude such in subdirectories. A reliable method to exclude files by a pattern like "starting with a dot" would be rsync. But to not pull it in as an additional dependency, copy and find are preferred.
2016-04-20propagate upstream updateXZS
Thunderbird new mail notifications now have buttons.
2016-04-20leave git directory beXZS
The package version function for all templates including source-git-plain broke since pacman reversed the order in which pkgver and prepare are run. The commit "run pkgver() in srcdir" partially restored it to a working state in which the version number was found. However, since the prepare function still removed the git directory, no revision number and commit hash could be appended in the pkgver function running afterwards. Now that the git directory does not not end up in the package any more because of the recent exclusion of hidden files from installation, it can be left present for the pkgver function to use without containing any further process.
2016-04-20omit hidden filesXZS
The hidden files are only used to manage the source code of the extension. They are not needed in and have no direct relation to the compiled package and can thus be left out safely.
2016-04-15propagate upstream updateXZS
It brings new customization options to Thunderbird and translation updates.
2016-04-15exclude files specific to other platformsXZS
This package most probably installs on Linux, so windows and osx specific interfaces are likely never tempted to load.
2016-04-15generate bootstrap.jsXZS
Without this file, the extension only works partially, for example lacking user settings. Unfortunately, the tool generating it pulls in a whole lot of nodejs dependencies and cannot do so without packing all the files as an xpi, which has to be extracted again for installation.
2016-03-23propagate upstream updateXZS
Updated translations come with some improvements under the hood.
2016-03-05run pkgver() in srcdirXZS
Since pacman version 5.0.1, prepare() runs before pkgver(). Restoring the function to a working state actually saves a directory change as they now find the sources already moved down.
2016-02-16start search in git directoryXZS
This line was accidentally deleted when augmenting the sed call below with find, but is necessary for git operations further down the pkgver function.
2016-02-16propagate upstream updateXZS
Notification timeout can now be configures. Other changes only affect how the extension is built.
2016-02-16look for JSON descriptions in subdirectoriesXZS
The extension recently moved all sources in a subdirectory. As the pkgver function even runs before prepare, it is not possible to move its contents down a directory level. Thus, the JSON description is still in a subdirectory in this point of time.
2016-02-16adapt to new directory structureXZS
The relevant sources were recently moved into a dedicated directory. The package template expects everything it should install directly in the $srcdir. To restore compilation, the contents of the subdirectory have to be moved down, similar to how it is done with the git repository directory in the source-git-plain template. In turn, the new hierarchy makes it easier to then eliminate files not to be installed, as they now are mostly collected in directories.
2016-02-07propagate upstream updateXZS
Among minor translation updates, this update adds compatibility with the SOGo extension and allows to selectively disable RSS notifications.
2016-02-07version provided non-git variantXZS
Other packages usually depend on the package without any -git suffix. This makes it possible to als satisfy these dependency requirements when they target specific versions or version ranges.
2015-10-27do not remove file that does not exist any moreXZS
2015-10-15externalize compatible version queryXZS
This makes it easier to switch out the location this information is retrieved from, should there be a more current source to query than the install.rdf file included in the Add-On itself.
2015-09-24propagate Firefox compatibilityXZS
Though the version did not change, this revision adds compatibility with the latest Firefox version recently released.
2015-08-06propagate upstream updateXZS
It adds and improves translations.
2015-07-30intital import from old AUR version 3XZS