path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-02-23change download source + actual update!Philip Sequeira
The source link I'd been using is broken, and the website now points to Google Fonts for download. Found a GitHub source that seems original, and it looks like I missed some actual development that happened too! The font now identifies itself as version 2.1, which is cool. I couldn't find any release versions or up-to-date/reliable archive downloads around, but the git repo does include built OTFs, so I'm using individual GitHub raw URLs at the current latest commit.
2020-05-27upstream download url + directory layout changePhilip Sequeira
No changes to the actual font files this time.
2018-07-04updatePhilip Sequeira
Without a version bump, again. There have been small changes to the glyphs for circumflex+acute and tilde+macron. Affected characters: Ấ Ế Ố Ȭ ấ ế ố ȭ Diff from fontforge: -Differences... -Outline Glyphs -Glyph Differences -Glyph “uni1EA4” differs Spline mismatch in glyph “uni1EA4” Hints differ in glyph “uni1EA4” -Glyph “uni1EBE” differs Spline mismatch in glyph “uni1EBE” Hints differ in glyph “uni1EBE” -Glyph “uni1ED0” differs Spline mismatch in glyph “uni1ED0” Hints differ in glyph “uni1ED0” -Glyph “uni022C” differs Spline mismatch in glyph “uni022C” Hints differ in glyph “uni022C” -Glyph “uni1EA5” differs Spline mismatch in glyph “uni1EA5” Hints differ in glyph “uni1EA5” -Glyph “uni1EBF” differs Spline mismatch in glyph “uni1EBF” Hints differ in glyph “uni1EBF” -Glyph “uni1ED1” differs Spline mismatch in glyph “uni1ED1” Hints differ in glyph “uni1ED1” -Glyph “uni022D” differs Spline mismatch in glyph “uni022D” Hints differ in glyph “uni022D” -Glyph “circumflexacute” differs Spline mismatch in glyph “circumflexacute” Hints differ in glyph “circumflexacute” -Glyph “tildemacron” differs Spline mismatch in glyph “tildemacron” Hints differ in glyph “tildemacron”
2017-10-05font update and source changePhilip Sequeira
It bothers me on a deep moral level to see something named 2.0 and then not get version bumps when it's updated. But that's what we're dealing with here. I guess I'll just keep bumping the pkgrel since the official version number is apparently not changing. There are more glyphs in this one than the old version, so that's nice.
2017-03-05remove install scriptPhilip Sequeira
Now handled by hooks.
2015-06-09inital importPhilip Sequeira